Thursday, August 30, 2007

What is Allawi doing

Who is Allawi? He is a snake and scheming bastard who always wants power. Nothing else can be said, because he will change everything else to get power. He does not have principles.

He first leave the government and then tells everyone in the world that the government is falling apart and he should be in control. Well, so he caused part of the problem by having his group leave the government and now says he can fix the problem. Maybe he should not have made the problem in the beginning, what do you think?

Allawi is a loser and in both elections the Iraqi people said, “We don’t want you.” Does he think that now people want him? Before the elections he had so much American money and campaign posters but still no one wants this bastard to run the country.

Now he wrote an article that I see on the internet called “A Plan for Iraq”.

He will say that the fault is of the Iraqi government, and the Prime Minister Maliki. But Allawi is refusing to work with the government, so that makes it part his fault I think! Allawi was elected to the government but will not do work. He says that the fault is not the USA, but every person in Iraq and the entire world knows that the USA made many mistakes and has done so much wrong in Iraq. But Allawi will not say this because HE WANTS THE USA TO GIVE HIM POWER. Also he says that Iran and Syria make problems in Iraq, which is true. Now Allawi also is paying some groups in the USA to help him get power. But he will not talk about Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries (only Syria which works with Iran) because he wants all of the Arabs to help him against Maliki. So Allawi WANTS THE USA AND FOREIGN ARABS TO GIVE HIM POWER. It does not matter to him what Iraqis want.

Allawi should stop saying he will work against sectarianism because already I said many times that he works with the most sectarianist groups in Iraq. Allawi will work with anyone, JUST TO GET POWER.

Allawi said he will go back to Iraq to save “his country” but I have to ask everyone why did he leave Iraq? Allawi is an MP so if he wants to work for his country he should do his job. But he does not care about it, he goes to London and Amman. He only wants to come back to have the top job. He wants power, thats all. Any way he can get it he will. Now instead of doing his job in Baghdad he goes around the world to get people to help him steal Iraq.

No to Allawi!


Anonymous said...

Excellent Post!

That's what I told you about the "old generation" that brought us to our misery and Allawi is a perfect symbol, because he did politics even before 1967.

It's not wrong to blame Iraqis for the misery now because Iraqis are killing Iraqis (mostly), but I see your point

Anonymous said...

A) Wasn't Allawi caught recieving funds from the Iranians or some such thing?

B) Though I do not support him, does Iraq have its own lobbying firms? If not then you can't get upset that he hired a U.S. firm to lobby on his behalf, that's what politicians do, my suggestion would be to counteract his lobbying by starting a grass roots campaign in support of the candidate of your choice, you have a computer and probably a printer, so start rallying people behind your candidate by printing flyers and urging like minded people to do the same, if you get five people to do that and they get five people and so on and so forth then support for your candidate will grow exponentially, with this being the internet era Iraq has become Democratic at a very interesting time where grass root campaigns can be just as influential as those campaigns with heavy financial backing, and remember that in a Democratic Republic the people get the government that they deserve.

C) He will not be able to steal Iraq the only way he will gain power in Iraq is if the people give it to him, and with any luck the people will put their energies into bringing about social change through the Democratic system rather than through violence.

Anonymous said...

Shaqawa I have to say that I like the following part of Allawi's platform:

I am working with my colleagues in parliament to build a nonsectarian majority coalition that will support the following six-point plan for a "new era" in Iraq and replace through democratic means the current Iraqi government.

His six point plan is pretty good, can you show me another candidate with a better platform for bringing Iraqi's together and ending the sectarian violence? Someone needs to end the sectarian basis of the Iraqi government which surely doesn't seem to be working very well, and if not Allawi then someone.

Anonymous said...

First of all you stupid little kid with bad manners, you do not represent Iraqis so stop speaking in their name. You are a traitor and NOT a real Iraqi. You are entitled to your poorly informed opinion, but its only YOUR opinion. The Iraqi people stand with their National Resistance led by The Arab Bath Socialist Party and President Izzat Al-Douri who became the LEGAL President of Iraq under International and Iraqi Law.

Second, I agree Allawi is a son of a bitch and a puppet like the rest of the dogs in the green zone.

However, the real big traitors are the sectarian gangsters who are sponsored by al furs al madjoos and came to Iraq on the back of an American tank: The Hakims, Sadrs, and Sistanis. They are the real problem, and they are the ones who want the US Army to kill all the Iraqis and then hand the country over to the KHOMEINI regime in Tehran...lakin hay haaaaaaaaat !!!

This will not happen. Iraq will return to its real owners. I was going to spit on you and Sistani, but I don't feel generous today.

Arabi Min Al Urdun

Anonymous said...

It would appear that the vast majority of Iraqi's do not support the "resistance" but rather the dually elected goverment as the majority of Iraqi's voted for them, it would seem that your resistance is not really a resistance but rather nothing more than treasonable scum as they go against the will of the people of Iraq, their first representative Republic, and their Constitution, sorry to dissappoint but your tyranny of the minority is at an end, no longer will the ethnic tikriti elite live in the lap of luxory while the masses starves, welcome to pluralism you, you can no sooner stand against self determination than you can against a rising tide.

Anonymous said...

Iraq will return to its real owners.

Iraq will never return to its jarab - slave - traders.

العراق للعراقين ولا للجرب من الأردن أو الشام أو مصر حتى يحكموا حياتنا! والعراقي لا عبيد للعـُربي!!! ارجع للصحراء وخذ خمتك واترك ما بين النهرين!

Anonymous said...

It was only in the era of Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi people were free and able to prosper. The oil wealth was spread evenly, and education, health care, and infrastructure was brought to all Iraqis in the most remote of regions. Saddam Hussein was not a Sunni or a Shi'a, he was never sectarian. Saddam Hussein was an Arab and an Iraqi patriot who never discriminated between all Iraqis. His record and his history is more is clear to all honest, objective people.

He lived for Iraq and died for Iraq, and he will be remembered forever by all Iraqis who will build a new statue for him taller than the one they took down.

As for the Pesian dogs on this website, well, what can I say? They are not real Iraqis. They are traitors. Khawan ! w klab !

One of the dogs wrote in Arabic because he is ashamed of what he says. And he should be ashamed. Habibi, in real life I would spank you and make you watch as I put YOUR FATHERS head on the floor and step on it with my ARAB FOOT and keep it on his head until you say sorry Saddam. You are a coward, and we are going to liberate Iraq and throw you back in the trash cans of Tehran where you came from.

As for the Zionists who support and the one stuid American on here. You can have them.

Arabi Min Al Urdun

bg said...


Arabi Min Al Urdun


RhusLancia said...

anonymous Mossad agent, you are going over the top with your spiel. It is not believable anymore.


"the Tyrant Has Fallen!"

Anonymous said...

Anonomous said the following:

"It was only in the era of Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi people were free and able to prosper."

Are you that delusional? The Baathist regime was a totalitarian based system of governance modeled after Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia, as for prospering perhaps that's what you call mass starvation while Saddam built himself massive palaces and resorts, Saddam Hussein is the closest thing to Nero that we've seen in quite a while.

Anonomous said the following:

"The oil wealth was spread evenly,"

That is an out and out lie, the oil wealth was horded by the Tikriti elite only now under their Democratically ratified Constitution will oil wealth now guaranteed to be spread equally throughout the entire populace.

Anonomous said the following:

"and education, health care, and infrastructure was brought to all Iraqis in the most remote of regions."

Even Hitler improved litteracy and healthcare, those things could have been accomplished without draconian and genocidal measures.

Anonomous said:

"Saddam Hussein was not a Sunni or a Shi'a, he was never sectarian."

That's an out and out lie, he was a Tikriti who was filled the positions of power with members of his own tribe, and he slaughtered many a Shia and a Kurd. Under Saddam Hussein the sectarian violence was merely institutionalized through state terrorism.

Your ignorance is so astounding that the rest of your tripe is not even worth responding to.

bg said...


re: Arabi Min Al Urdun

"and education, health care, and infrastructure was
brought to all Iraqis in the most remote of regions."

Special Operations Forces bring water to Iraqi villages


[Three villages in northern Iraq have running water for the first time in decades thanks to involvement from U.S. forces. And you aren’t likely to see a word about it in the Washington Post]

[In Nerimerki, villagers had to haul water from about two miles (3km) away on donkeys. Now, using an electric pump, water is drawn into the village and through a new filtration system to a steel holding tank in the center of the village.

“Really, they are very, very happy because for the first time in their lives they can get running water near their houses,” said Shaka Thada, leader of the local non-governmental organization responsible for providing construction of the project.

“We feel great to get this service,” said Hommad Omar Hussein. “We’ve had no water for 30 years, so this is a great occasion.”

In Tilisquif as in Nerimerki, people braved the cold and rain to attend a ribbon-cutting ceremony.

“We take great pleasure in providing this water source for you,” said Maj. Calvin Robinson, commander, Company B, 422nd CA Bn., in the ribbon-cutting speech. “This is another step for you to rebuild your country. My team is proud and appreciative to be a part of this ceremony.”]

[Someone tell me why I’m not reading these sorts of
stories in the New York Times or seeing them on CNN.]

good question, unfortunately the
answer in a nut shell is G. Soros..


bg said...


re: Arabi Min Al Urdun

"and education, health care, and infrastructure was brought to all Iraqis in the most remote of regions."

Facts & Stats (Nov. 2002)

Education: Literacy rate, 58%

Health: Iraq's infant mortality rate is about 58 deaths per 1,000.

already posted a sample of the infrastructure.. there's much more, but you don't believe anything that's been posted so far, nor will you do your own search for enlihgtenment, so why should anyone else knock themselves out..

btw.. those stats pre-date Iraq's Liberation..


Anonymous said...

Any change to Iraqi government
must come through a legitimate political process ....

Bush is not going to "install"
any government Maliki is legitimate
and all true patriotic Iraqi
must work within the constitution.

And considering Saddam had a very very small penis I am surprised
he still has support on this blog !!!

Anonymous said...


I value your opinion immensely ...
So who do you think are the worst Mid-Easteners

a) The fat sweaty greasy Saudis
b) The effiminate childlike
c) The bi-sexual Jordanians ???

Anonymous said...

Somebody tell Titus the stupid American to stop repeating all this nonsense. Its really boring and puts people to sleep. 15 years of US propoganda does not make it true.

It is YOU American who are LIARS. You are also KILLERS.

The few Iraqi traitors you found to work for you do not represent anyone expet themselves and they will leave with you as soon as your army is humiliated and kicked out. Every country has a few traitors.

BTW, did you know your army is now SURRENDERING to the fighters of Saddam Hussein. Your defeated army is signing deals with the Bath Party ont the same terms you rejected 3 years ago. You have been defeated and humiliated. Its time for you to leave so you can avoid the most embarassing retreat you have experienced since that helicopter left the US embassy in Vietnam.

You are the Liars.
You are the killers

Get out of our country and take the puppets you that came with you and send them back to London and Tehran.

Anonymous said...


you don't know me, and you don't know my ilk, I would have you speak to us all with a measure of respect as we would have shown you if not for your versus straight out of the book of lucifer, but if in puplic I ever catch you speaking to me or me friends as such that you have spoken to them here, I swear by God I will relieve your kneck from its head!

Anonymous said...

I am a killer, I make no apologies for the path which the lord has set for me, and I praise God every day of my life for making my path so clear and for teaching my hands to war and me fingers to fight.

Anonymous said...

Bleesen be the Lord that teaches my hands for the war, and my fingers to fight. My strength, my high tower, and my deliverer. My shield, and he in whom I trust.

Anonymous said...

Be not that far from me, for trouble is near; haste Thee to help me.

Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.

My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my enemies under me.

O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me.

Anonymous said...


I can write in English too, if you can't read Arabic - so typically for the illiterate Bedu!

You can dream for a long time to bring me back to Tehran - my fathers' homeland was Syria! and the rest of our family are Iraqis, really Iraqis! Not Pseudo-Arab Iraqis like you prentend to be.

And you can wait a long time to bring my father singing for you "Ya Saddam!" I'm really a kind man, but my father would execute Dracula's way (the real one, not the vamp)!

So you better leave this forum and leave it to adults to discuss politics. Kindergarten is waiting!

Anonymous said...

trojan condoms,

Thats very funny. Thanks for the laugh. I doubt you would have the balls to walk up to me.

I'll save my respect for those who deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Adults? I told you what I will do to your adults. I will take your fathers head RAS ABUK and put it on the floor and put my shoes on it. I wont hurt him, but I will just humiliate him. I will also tie you up like a little pig and make you watch your father get humiliated.

I would do the same thing to every traitor. When I finish I will do the same thing with Sistani.

I will make you go get Sistanis black turban off of his head and bring it with you. After I put Sistanis head on the floor and step on it, I want you to clean my shoes with his turban.


Anonymous said...

Actually the Americans
instead of fire-bombing Ramadi
(please see World War 2 footage
of Dresden)
And killing all the former Baathists within ... they have given the former Baathists a chance
to bring peace to there provinces
and eventually reconcile with
the huge Shia majority.

I mean do you think Americans have run out of bombs ???

Ramadi/tikrit/Falluja whats that
one day of bombing = total destruction for US air force

get real already ... kill off al-queda .... reconcile with Shia and kurds ... get oil production started in Anbar ... live well
prosper ... and forget about Saddam

Then I can buy gas for $1.00.gallon
and you can buy a nice new Chevrolet Camaro in Ramadi and drive around like a human being
trying to pick up Shia girls !!!

bg said...


AMEN!! :+:

Iraqi Sunnis Lash Out at Ahmadinejad!


[Iraqi Sunni Clerics snubbed Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's offer for Iranian troops to move into Iraq and protect the Middle Eastern nation from terrorist forces should the U.S. pull its troops out.

The Sunni Association of Muslim Scholars (AMS) condemned statements by Ahmadinejad in which he said Iran was ready to fill the security vacuum in Iraq in case U.S. forces withdraw.

A spokesperson for the Sunni clerics said, "Iranian
President Ahmadinejad's statements have caused
concern to all groups of the Iraqi people."

The AMS spokesman said,"Iran's interference in Iraq since the (U.S.) invasion was negative and not in line with good neighborliness." He noted that Iraqis would not see Iran as a friendly nation, but would view their forces with suspicion.

"Statements of the Iranian officials during the past period were not encouraging to establish good neighborly relations because they involved maximizing the supremacy of a nation at the expense of another," the AMS spokesman noted.]

guess Iran won't be getting that well deserved
slapdown ala: Pelosi et al from Maliki afterall..


Anonymous said...

First of all you stupid little kid with bad manners, you do not represent Iraqis so stop speaking in their name. You are a traitor and NOT a real Iraqi. You are entitled to your poorly informed opinion, but its only YOUR opinion. The Iraqi people stand with their National Resistance led by The Arab Bath Socialist Party and President Izzat Al-Douri who became the LEGAL President of Iraq under International and Iraqi Law.

Second, I agree Allawi is a son of a bitch and a puppet like the rest of the dogs in the green zone.

However, the real big traitors are the sectarian gangsters who are sponsored by al furs al madjoos and came to Iraq on the back of an American tank: The Hakims, Sadrs, and Sistanis. They are the real problem, and they are the ones who want the US Army to kill all the Iraqis and then hand the country over to the KHOMEINI regime in Tehran...lakin hay haaaaaaaaat !!!

This will not happen. Iraq will return to its real owners. I was going to spit on you and Sistani, but I don't feel generous today.

Arabi Min Al Urdun

Yil3an abook labo il Urdan labo Saddam labo Falasteez ya kalb ibn meet kalb! Tuff 3alaik wa 3alaa sharaafak wa 3alaa amthalak ya anjass kalb!

Al Hakim wa'l Maliki taj rasaak ou taj rass kul il jarab il Sunna illi yimda7un ib Saddam il nathil al Tikriti!

You know ya Urduni ya Kalb, I don't hate Iranians (as an Arab Shia, I have more of an affinity to Iranians than I ever will to the Jarab Sunnis), but it's because of people like you that I despise the Iranian government, that I despise Khomeini il kalb and Khamenei il kalb!

Why, you may ask ya Urduni il kalb? Because it was Khomeini the manyak who brainwashed many Shia to support "Palestine" and encouraged "unity" with manaweech like you! And for that reason, I despise him and the Iranian government.

"Unity" doesn't work with your likes; intu bedkum wa7ad mitil Sharon yejeelkum ib meet kundara 7ata tiskitu ya awlad nathil! I hope Israel rules over the Sunni Arabs until Judgement Day!

Intu awsakh 3alaam f'il dinya ya klab. Israel taj raskum, Iran taj raskum, al ra2ees Bush taj raskum, al ustath al Maliki taj raskum, al Hakim taj raskum, Sharon taj raskum ya klab! 3ashit Israel! InshAllah il falasteeniyeen ou kul il jarab abadan mai shufo il watan!

ahmed said...

Great! bring on the stupidity of the brainwashed zealots on both sides. It doesn't take much thought to see that the only war Iraq can work is through secularism, even though the available people are not to one's aspirations, but what the hell is wrong with that scheming plotter, i'd take him anyday over Saddam or Hakim, his year was so far the best.

p.s. I don't really like Allawi but I absolutely respect Ayad Jamal al-Din, who is on his list.

Mithal al-Alusi isn't bad too.

Shusma said...

Urdoni, you seem really upset by Iranian interference (you say they are paying/training militias to carry out attacks against the Sunni population there) because they aren't a secular... and you don't want turbaned ayatollahs interfering in Iraqi politics. Seems like a legitimate demand. But why aren't you equally as outraged that other Arab regimes are also aiding and abetting non-secular (Al Qaeda) forces in Iraq. If you are a Baathist and a socialist and all that other stuff then you should be equally repulsed by the crazy wahabbis running around blowing people up and chopping their heads off for religious reasons. Maybe (but I doubt it) people wouldn't be as annoyed by your statements if they were more consistent...

Also to the guy that said this:

"Why, you may ask ya Urduni il kalb? Because it was Khomeini the manyak who brainwashed many Shia to support "Palestine" and encouraged "unity" with manaweech like you! And for that reason, I despise him and the Iranian government.

"Unity" doesn't work with your likes; intu bedkum wa7ad mitil Sharon yejeelkum ib meet kundara 7ata tiskitu ya awlad nathil! I hope Israel rules over the Sunni Arabs until Judgement Day!"

You are equally as ridiculous as Urdoni for wishing that all Palestinians suffer under Israeli occupation just because some Jordanian jerk pissed you off. You people are positively infantile.

bg said...


what year will the next round
of elections be held in Iraq??

i'm sure the Iraqis will have a better idea of who could lead them less divisively, albeit i don't know what else was expected after approx 30 years of living in hell under a dictator..

at any rate, imo, that's what everyone should be looking
forward to & planning for.. i know, easy for me to say..


Anonymous said...

Great! bring on the stupidity of the brainwashed zealots on both sides. It doesn't take much thought to see that the only war Iraq can work is through secularism, even though the available people are not to one's aspirations, but what the hell is wrong with that scheming plotter, i'd take him anyday over Saddam or Hakim, his year was so far the best.

p.s. I don't really like Allawi but I absolutely respect Ayad Jamal al-Din, who is on his list.

Mithal al-Alusi isn't bad too.

Look everyone, it's Mr. Konfused "Saddam-was-a-brave-Arab-hero-and-it's-not-fair-the-Iranians-hung-him" Kollege Kid trying to play the "moderate, non-sectarian" card! What a joke! You'd have better luck convincing me the bedu of Anbar and Tikrit are humans than playing that card!

You are equally as ridiculous as Urdoni for wishing that all Palestinians suffer under Israeli occupation just because some Jordanian jerk pissed you off. You people are positively infantile.

Wow, thank you for the meaningless comment. I'm sorry we all don't have the infinite compassion which you insinuate to have with which to extend to all the worlds people.

Now that we've gotten past that load of horseshit, let's get back to reality. For one, if my emotions may have gotten the best of me, well, so be it. For two, until I see any concrete, tangible results from the Palestinian people with regards to their actions towards the majority of Iraqis (ie Shia and Kurds), don't expect me to have an ounce of sympathy for them, their "cause," or their "suffering."

And please don't play that ignorant, pathetic, "but the Palestinians are oppressed" card because Iraqi Shia and Kurds have gone through 100 times the oppression the Palestinians can ever dream of going through and we still only get support for our tormentors from them as forms of sympathy.

So, in conclusion, you and "Palestine" can go to hell. Thanks for your time (well, not really...).

Anonymous said...

Oh, and btw, no offense to the peaceful non-humans of Anbar and Tikrit as I wasn't trying to compare them to the bedu.

Anonymous said...


Arabi Min Al Urdun.

Anonymous said...

Christian Sunni Shia,

I love your blog. Ask someone to trasnlate the Arabic for you, especially the part about Palestinians, and than come talk to me.

The Arab Bath Socialist Party, and the Iraqi National Resistance, along with President/Comrade Izzat Al-Douri (known as al-Ahmar among the resistance)are not responsible for the mass murdering American terrorists or the other terrorists they brought with them to Iraq. They were not there when Iraq had a legitmate government, and it is the occupying power, under International law, that is responsible for ALL that happens.

Certainly the resistance forces are not responsible any of the murderers. Nor will they be tainted by them. CNN, Fox, and the entire American propoganda machine cannot change the facts. Do you think a silly little kid with a blog and two friends can change anything?

Arabi Min Al Urdun

Anonymous said...


The only Arab regime to never even consider recognizing the Zionist entity was the Iraqi regime and the Martyred-President Saddam Hussein. Also, it was Saddam Hussein who defended Iraq and the Arabs from the dirty Khomeini and his backward "revolution", and no Khomeini was never an anti-Zionist. We know ahl al-taqiya very well. And we know al furs al madjoos very well.

Did you think by closing down the Israeli embassy you will fool anyone? Were not stupid. Persians and Zionists will always be in bed together. And we know who Israel wanted to win in that war, they wanted Khomeini and thats why they gave him weapons. Remember IRAN-CONTRA you stupid little pigs? Thats how you learn about the real Khomeini and how dirty he is. And this is what Sistani is doing today with the US occupation army.

Saddam Defended Iraq from Persian filth. And he defeated Khomeini and made him drink from the "poison cup" by his own admission. It was only when the US ARMY invaded Iraq and destroyed were the Persians able to occupy it.

So remember, Saddam Hussein is an honorable man and leader who was a patriot, and courageous. He lived and died like a Lion. He even managed to spit on you as he fell to his death with a smile on his face.

You are just hyenas who come to dance around a kill after the Americans kill him. I bet you are still afraid of him? Would you even dare stand next to his grave? I dont think so.

He neeeds no defense. His history is his defense.

Now do what I told you and go get Sistanis turban for me. I need a shoe shine.

bg said...


lol.. i see the Middle East has no shortage
of koo-koo Michaels ie: Moore & Jackson..


Anonymous said...

Someone go get Saddam's picture as well as the Palestinian flag for me, I need to take a shit.

Shaqawa said...

Hello Everyone,

It is good to see people are visiting my home site. Thank you for your comments.

gilgamesh X / exile – Iraqi,

I am happy you agree about this bastard Allawi. You have good comments against the terrorist prostitute min Urdun.

Trajan Octavian Titus,

Allawi I don’t think receives Iranian fundings, but he always is criticizing Iran and I think he means Iran and also the Shi’a. Allawi before has gotten support from CIA, British intelligence, Jordan regime of whores, and now is supported by many Arabs (KSA/Wahhabi, Egypt, and others). I do not care if Allawi uses a USA firm or a British firm or anyone, but he used a USA firm because he thinks the USA can help him take power since the USA has much control in Iraq.

Allawi makes a platform to say what the USA wants to hear. Allawi was PM and many problems (violence and corrupt) also began with his government. Allawi says he is not sectarian but he works with the most sectarian people.


You are a son of a bitch with bad manners, you are on my home site so you should not behave as you are in a Jordanian whorehouse for the drunken criminals that are your family. Your resistance is a gang of criminals like your father and his fathers. Maybe you did not see but your hero ice man Izzat Ibrahim said he likes Allawi for leading Iraq. Did you know Izzat Ibrahim has red hair because before many British in his town were making fun?

You are correct that Saddam Hussein was not a Sunni or Shi’ite because he was not a Muslim he was atheist and against Allah and Islam.


I am sorry a good woman like you has seen the trash behavour of the Jordanian criminal.

Other Anonymous,

Thank you for your agreeing. You ask me who is worse: (a) The fat sweaty greasy Saudis, (b) The effiminate childlike Kuwaiiti or (c) The bi-sexual Jordanians ??? The answer is A the disgusting Saudi Arabi trash because these Wahhabis try to make all people into killing machines and also they are controlling holy sites even though they are backward filthy animals. When I have more of time I will write postings of all neighbor countries.

Yil3an abu il Urdon,

I think you are writing before on my home site and I like to read your comments. Khamanei is chalib you are correct.

Konfused Kid,

I have not seen you in very long but I am reading your website. Are you staying in Jordan? I hope you are good against those son of bitch Jordanians. Allawi was leader and his year maybe was good because terrorists were still preparing to full strength. If Allawi wants to be Prime Minister first he can show everyone that he is a MP instead of being in London, USA and Amman. Allawi is not a religious person and some people (like some Baghdad people I know) think that it means he is good. It is not true.

Catholic Sunni Shia,

Thank you for your visiting and your email. This Jordanian bastard just hates Shi’a and so calls them Iranian, same talking as Saddam. You will not have reason with him because he is a hateful criminal and son of a criminal. I am thinking if you let a terrorist like Chalib min Urdun on your blog site he will post many pictures of disgusting images (a man with other man) because remember that before he said he would have sex with me. Very disgusting and trash.

I hope everyone will keep visiting and I will post again soon.

bg said...


no problem, thank you Shaqawa.. :)

Iraqis Meet For Secret Talks in Finland- Agree to Initiatives


[Leading representatives of Iraqi political parties and others linked to a range of groups close to the conflict completed four days of discussions in Finland

Participants committed themselves to work towards a robust framework for a lasting settlement. Those present agreed to a set of recommendations to start negotiations to reach national reconciliation. These recommendations are contained in the attached Helsinki Agreement. The principles of inclusivity, power-sharing and a commitment to removing the use of violence as a means of resolving political differences were among the most urgent concerns agreed.]


Anonymous said...

I was hoping to visit here, engage you, pick your brain, and possibly provoke a civilized, intelligent debate surrounding the events of our region. Unfortunately this blog belongs to a small little kalb who likes to bark all day but does not say anything.

You can keep barking. You hate Saddam because he would not hand the country over to Khomeini. You are all traitors who wanted Iran to invade Iraq back in the 80s, and Saddam did not allow that. So now you're mad. So what? Fuck you.

Do you think you will be allowed to misbehave and sell the country? Of course not! Saddam had a responsiblity to protect Iraq from all foreign aggression and internal treason. This is natural in any state. The traitors like DAWA and SCIRI were put on trial and Iraqi law took its due course. Thats how it works in all modern countries, and Iraq was a modern country.

Now you guys come running along behind the US Army and you want to take Iraq back to the middle ages with your drills, torture chambers, and sectarian killings.

Everyone loves Saddam, and the ones who did not like him before have realized how wrong they were after they saw your puppets. Keep lying to the stupid Americans (where is trojan condoms?)but not to real Arabs who know YOU and who YOU are and what YOU want. :) hay haat !!!

Saddam ashraf minak w min abuk !

inta 3ajami kalb ibn kalb !

Kus umak 3ala um al sistani!

Arabi Min Al Urdun.

bg said...


'three-day blitz'

oh yeah!! :D


bg said...


Diversity is strength for new Iraqi Army


[Speaking from an office at Combat Outpost Golden in Al Anbar Province here, Iraqi Army Col. Ali Jassimi, 1st battalion commanding officer, explained the cultural representation within his unit.

"My staff is Sunni, Shiite, and Kurdish. We have officers from many different areas of Iraq; Mosul, Baghdad, Ramadi – and we're all here working together," he said. "There are many people around the world who would think this would be a problem. We are a perfect example that it is not."]

["We've had great success in Falluja, and it's because of the Juundis-- they're all brothers," he said.

The colonel went on to explain that junior enlisted troops in his battalion ignored sectarian issues during operations.

"If anyone needed help, we helped them. We visited mosques, and no matter if it was Shiite or Sunni, we prayed with them," Jassimi said.

Iraqi Army Captain Mustafa Al Jaaf, a Kurdish staff member of 1/2/1, echoed his commander's sentiments.

"We are from all over Iraq, and it makes a stronger force. You can see now Falluja is a much safer place," Jeaf said.]

["In Ramadi, I saw men from another country come and kill civilians, so I decided to join the new Iraqi Army. No matter what religion they are, these officers here are on a mission to keep the Iraqis safe. We are one team with one goal," Ashumari said.]

["We're here fighting a war, and when we go on patrol, it's one fight. There have never been any sectarian issues," Hesser said. "Really, it's almost like another Marine unit taking over, but it's not about Marines and Iraqis, it's about good guys versus bad guys."]

God Bless Soldiers everywhere for putting THEIR
lives on the line to protect us ALL from terrorism!


bg said...


Iraqi Forces, U.S. Special Forces


[BAGHDAD – Iraqi Security Forces detained a militant extremist leader and one of his subordinate leaders during an early morning intelligence-driven raid Sept. 2 in southern Babil Province.

The suspected terrorist is directly involved in the majority of terrorist acts in Hillah and mortar attacks on Coalition bases and the Regional Embassy Office. Iraqi citizens have reported that he leads militias to assassinate locals and has recruited a sniper with training in Iran to target Iraqi Police and Iraqi Army Soldiers.]

keep on keepin' on!! :+:


bg said...


Iraq To Formally Seek Long-Term US Military Presence


[Meanwhile, the Iraqi Foreign Minister unveiled that Iraq "is seeking the signatory of a long-term security agreement with the U.S. next year once the U.N. mandate given to the presence of the Multi-National Forces in Iraq was over."

Minister Zibari noted that the agreement recently reached among the Iraqi political leaders included a clause indicating the readiness of the Iraqi government to have a long-term partnership with the U.S. in security.

"This agreement will help us and our friends to act together in the security aspect," the Iraqi Minister said.]

[Zibari considered such a move as "an internal issue and has nothing to do with the neighboring countries."]

[The Iraqi Foreign Minister also touched upon the Iranian artillery shelling against the Kurdish villages in northern Iraq saying "the shelling has become a routine action that targets residential areas in Sulaimaniyah and Arbil everyday."

"The Iraqi government informed the Iranian ambassador of its protest against these operations demanding an immediate halt to the shelling into the Iraqi territories,"
Zibari added.

The Iraqi minister who warned that the shelling will harm the relations between the two countries threatened that "the Iraqi government will not sit idle towards the continued Iranian shelling of the Iraqi territories."

"We are not so weak to the extent that all countries intervene and do what they like in Iraq while we keep silent,"
the minister noted.

"There are measures that we will take through diplomatic channels hopefully to end the shelling," said Zibari who also admitted the presence of Iranian opposition groups on the Iraqi territories.]


Iraqi Mojo said...

"I was hoping to visit here, engage you, pick your brain, and possibly provoke a civilized, intelligent debate surrounding the events of our region."

You should try doing that without insulting people and without praising a mass murderer. Speaking of your hero, his cousin (another mass murderer) is scheduled to join him in jehenem within 30 days.

Anonymous said...

"Arabi min il Ordon (mazbala)" you are one pathetic, backward, uneducated, idiot kalb ibn meet kalb without one ounce of intelligence.

Bas it's okay, inshAllah ib'tinba7 layl ou in'har bas eyaam Saddam mu raj3a. Khaleek tif3a bas "baba Saddam" ra7 illa jahanam.

InshAllah it 3eesh Israel 3alaa ras'aak ou ras amthalaak.

No need to panick though, perhaps the new Shia/Kurdish dominated Iraqi government will have some sort of sympathy on the rubbish, bedouin, bakri Jordanians (ahlel mazbala) extending some sort of aid to beautify the shit ridden country; I for one propose turning it into Iraq's personal landfill/garbage dump as it will be a big upgrade from your current conditions. Cheers!

P.S. Yil3an abu il-Ordon.

Anonymous said...


Howard Zinn is a revisionist historian and the "peoples history of the United States," doesn't have a single footnote.

Anyone who says the following can not be considered a true scholar or historian:

“Objectivity is impossible,and it is also undesirable. That is, if it were possible it would be undesirable, because if you have any kind of a social aim, if you think history should serve society in some way; should serve the progress of the human race; should serve justice in some way, then it requires that you make your selection on the basis of what you think will advance causes of humanity.”

That is quite possibly the most Orwellian comment I have ever heard in my life!

bg said...


"Everyone loves Saddam, and the ones who did not like him
before have realized how wrong they were after they saw
your puppets."

Arabi Min Al Urdun.

September 4, 2007 10:50 PM

you're obviously as delusional as Saddam was..

Despite violence only 26% preferred life under Saddam


[the poll shows that despite the horrendous personal security problems only 26% of the country preferred life under the previous regime of Saddam Hussein, with almost half (49%) preferring life under the current political system. As one may expect, it is the Sunnis who are most likely to back the previous regime (51%) with the Shias (66%) preferring the current arrangements.]

and that was back in February 2007, when things weren't
nearly quite as improved as they are today.. that's not to
say there isn't a ways to go yet, but that light at the end
of the tunnel is glowing brighter each day!!

God Bless Iraq/is!! :)


Anonymous said...

I see the Persian dogs are still barking.

I think what makes you mad is that everybody agrees with me? Is that why? You hate the fact that the entire Arab world, and all revolutionaries across the planet supported Saddam Hussein, and love him and respect him. Its normal for dogs like you to resent that. Anyone who jumps up and down like a monkey for Sistani (dama thulu'hu al-sharif) (lol) is not supposed to support Saddam Hussein, the martyred-President. Saddam Hussein was a secular, progressive, Iraqi Nationalist, and an honorable Arab leader who never betrayed Iraq or the Arab Nation.

I understand that primitive, ignorant, uneducated, fucks such as yourself would be opposed to progress and modernity. You prefer the backward, retarded standards you see in Tehran. Saddam Hussein pulled you kicking-and-dragging into the 20th century, and you should thank him.

The only thing Saddam did to the Shia is give them an infrastructure, a hosptial, an education, and most of them know that and are vey grateful. Don't forget you are not Iraqis. You are 3ajam ! Klab ! Not real Iraqis or Arabs.

But I think what makes you really mad, and what explains your embarassing and demeaning behavior on this silly little blog is the fact that nobody remembers anything but the majestic, courageous, and dignified walk up the stairs so he can give his life for Iraq. Who will forget AL WAQFA AL-SHAMICHA...AL KHALIDA !And they also remember the midgets who danced around his dead body like the hyenas they are. Yes, this is why you are mad. Because history has been written, and its on the side of Saddam Hussein, the Leader, the Man, The symbol of dignity, the Lion of Iraq.

Saddam Hussein is in heaven. Its Khomeini who is burning in hell, and its where Sistani, Hakim, and Sadr are going, but only after we piss on their turbans.

la ilah ila allah
wa shaheed habeeb allah

ya saddam irta7 irta7 !!

Arabi Min Al Urdun

Anonymous said...

Hay Anonomous,

how about fuck you the U.S. supported the Shah not Khomeni, fuck Khomeni too, long live the Democratic Constitutional Republic of Iraq, and let Saddam's totalitarian regime be but a footnote in the pages of history! Fuck al-Quds, fuck al-Qaeda, fuck al-Sadre, fuck al-Zaraqawi, and fuck anyone who gets in the way of the liberated people of Iraq and their dually elected representative republic!

Iraqi Mojo said...

"You hate the fact that the entire Arab world, and all revolutionaries across the planet supported Saddam Hussein, and love him and respect him."

The entire Arab world is full of dipshits! SHLON mu6aya 3idna bil wa6an al 3arabi!!

But I wonder which other 'revolutionaries' outside the Arab world agree with you, jarab min Urdun.

Anonymous said...

Mossadeq dissolved Parliament through a fraudulent referendum, in which he got a 99.9% yay vote, and he subsequently declared himself dictator, U.S. support for the Shah was not a coup it was a counter-coup to stop the attempted overthrow of the most modern Constitutional Monarchy in the Middle East, which was only overthrown by Khomeni because it tried to modernize to much by taking the educational institutions out of the hands of the clerics.

Anonymous said...

Iraqis, forget it to discuss with a Jarbi, we all know from our personal lifes, it won't work. Either his sister's name is Saddam or he's got in Jordan in his cab a picture from Saddam, who the fuck knows?

I would but to know: If Allawi is that secular democratic guy, why does he try to regain power by intrigues and not by re-election or persuasion? And isn't it a bit more respectful to campaign in Iraq for a new prime minister rather in Washington D.C. with the help of a pressure group?

Anonymous said...

And isn't it a bit more respectful to campaign in Iraq for a new prime minister rather in Washington D.C. with the help of a pressure group?

September 5, 2007 6:41 AM

Not really. Same shit. The puppets in the green zone are washington puppets anyway. The only honorable place for any self-respecting Iraqi is with the Iraqi National Resistance.

yal3an abooku 3ala abu al Imaam ya awlad al gahbie....wallah kundaret abu uday ibtiswa 50 min hal machlabe.

bg said...


gilgamesh X / exile - iraqi said...

[Iraqis, forget it to discuss with a Jarbi, we all know from our personal lifes, it won't work. Either his sister's name is Saddam or he's got in Jordan in his cab a picture from Saddam, who the fuck knows?

I would but to know: If Allawi is that secular democratic guy, why does he try to regain power by intrigues and not by re-election or persuasion? And isn't it a bit more respectful to campaign in Iraq for a new prime minister rather in Washington D.C. with the help of a pressure group?]

it's not the pressure groups doing per se.. Clinton & Levin (the Dhimmi Dems equivilant to Arabi Min Al Urdun's ilk) EMPLOYED / HIRED the group to represent them.. bottom line: the pro-terrorist Dhimmi Dems are promoting an Allawi coup.. something that imho is never going happen..


Anonymous said...

Gilgamesh, what's wrong with hiring a lobbyist firm? That's what politicians do, I see it as proof of the liberty now existing in Iraq, I mean under Saddam's regime could anyone but the Baathists run an election campaign? It's not like Allawi is the only one allowed to promote his election platform, and if you don't like it or don't believe it then throw your voice behind the candidate of your choice, that's called Democracy.

Anonymous said...

tfu !

Arabi Min Al Urdun

bg said...


Maliki Proposes Dissolving Government


[“I told Sayyed Sistani about my plans for
forming a new government of technocrats,”

that's really not news..

however, that he met with Sistani is news..

[“We have now two options: to fill the vacant portfolios
or to form a new government,”
the Iraqi Prime Minister

The Prime Minister, who arrived on Wednesday in the Shiite sacred city of Najaf, said “Ayatollah al-Sistani focused during the meeting on rendering the political process in the country a success and on regaining security and providing citizens with services.”

“Ayatollah al-Sistani called for confronting sectarianism advocates as Muslims of all sects are bothers without any discrimination,” Maliki noted.]

[“I am considering that holy shrines and sacred cities be peaceful places and disarmed of weapons and under the protection of the Iraqi army,” Maliki said, without elaborating.]


bg said...


HT : Talisman Gate

America's Future Ally
September 5, 2007


[My itinerary has taken me to Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Turkey — each of them has ongoing major stories — but it's been one long murky summer where much seems to be in flux. The one trend that seems crystal clear to me is that Iraq will make it; Iraq will turn out fine. Jordan is dealing with its usual headaches: How much political freedom should be allowable in an atmosphere where Islamists confidently vie for more political clout, especially when one of the offshoots of the Jordanian Islamic movement, Hamas in the Palestinian territories, had taken the decision to roughshod over legality to impose its rule in Gaza?]

[The Middle East is a place where Islamists — who are likely to turn out unfriendly to America no matter how moderate they seem — are on the rise, where regimes remain entrenched in their fear of change, and where internal and cross-border conflicts are more likely in the upcoming future than not. Iraq is the only country in which all these dangerous trends are in reverse — the fever had peaked and recovery is underway.

The Sunni insurgency in Iraq has been broken, and Al Qaeda is getting crushed; its remaining strength is being marshaled to visit retribution on those unsavory Sunni "renegades" who once worked with Al Qaeda and now have turned on it. Everyone likes a winner, and Al Qaeda is losing big.]

[Ten months ago, a Marines Intelligence report concluded that Anbar Province was irrevocably lost to Al Qaeda. Today, Anbar's capital city, Ramadi, is one of Iraq's safest. Diyala Province switched from being a bastion of Al Qaeda's to relative stability within a couple of weeks of a troop surge there. Al Qaeda can't claim to control a single neighborhood or village in Iraq — just two years ago, they were masters of major towns like Fallouja.

Al Qaeda tried to trigger a Sunni-Shiite war in Iraq for the last four years, but anyone using the term "civil war" to describe the situation in Iraq is grossly misinformed in my book — I'm looking at you, Senator Obama.]

[But as the fear of civil war faded, so has the usefulness of Mr. Sadr's thugs. Iran has taken over parts of the Mahdi army and uses them as spoilers of America's plan for Iraq, but this approach has had little traction in instigating far-reaching chaos and these Iranian networks are being easily rolled-back by America and the Iraqi government, with the subtle encouragement of Mr. Sadr himself.

The Islamists, both Sunni and Shiite, have disgraced themselves in running the country and providing basic services. The Sunni Islamist Speaker of the parliament, Mahmoud Mashhadani, put it best when he said, during a recent TV interview, that their governing performance has "failed miserably" and that the Iraqi voter will punish Islamist parties in the next elections.]

[Indeed, Iraq has gone very far in resolving the crisis that are pandemic to the Middle East, or at least it can be argued that Iraqis have turned a corner away from the worst case scenarios: they have rejected the multi-headed evils of dictatorship, jihadism, and civil war. Not only that, but armed with a legitimate parliament and a spanking new constitution, they are on the right path towards democracy, modernism, and national unity — something that can't be said for other powder kegs in the region such as Syria and Saudi Arabia.

I predict that as early as a couple of years from now, Iraq will be America's only Muslim ally in the Middle East standing firmly and unabashedly against the expanding global threat of jihadism.]

God Bless Iraq/is!! :)


bg said...


But I think what makes you really mad, and what explains your embarassing and demeaning behavior on this silly little blog is the fact that nobody remembers anything but the majestic, courageous, and dignified walk up the stairs so he can give his life for Iraq. - Arabi Min Al Urdun

oh what the heck, SADDAM HUSSEIN


[Saddam Hussein's Regime's Methods of Torture The following methods of torture have all been reported to international human rights groups, such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, by the victims of torture or their families.

Eye gouging

Amnesty International reported the case of a Kurdish businessman in Baghdad who was executed in 1997. When his family retrieved his body, the eyes had been gouged out and the empty eye sockets stuffed with paper.

Piercing of hands with electric drill

A common method of torture for political detainees. Amnesty International reported one victim who then had acid poured into his open wounds.

Suspension from the ceiling

Victims are blindfolded, stripped and suspended for hours by their wrists, often with their hands tied behind their backs. This causes dislocation of shoulders and tearing of muscles and ligaments.

Electric shock

A common torture method. Shocks are applied to various parts of the body, including the genitals, ears, tongue and fingers.

Sexual abuse

Victims, particularly women, have been raped and sexually abused, including reports of broken bottles being forced into the victim's anus.


Victims are forced to lie face down and are then beaten on the soles of their feet with a cable, often losing consciousness.

Other physical torture

Extinguishing cigarettes on various parts of the body, extraction of fingernails and toenails and beatings with canes, whips, hose pipes and metal rods are common.

Mock executions

Victims are told that they are to be executed by firing squad and a mock execution is staged. Victims are hooded and brought before a firing squad, who then fire blank rounds.

Acid baths

David Scheffer, US Ambassador - at - Large for War Crimes, reported that photographic evidence showed that Iraq had used acid baths during the invasion of Kuwait. Victims were hung by their wrists and gradually lowered into the acid.]

[Costs to Fellow Muslims

[The Iran-Iraq war (1980-198 resulted in an estimated 1 million Muslim casualties, dead and wounded. Iranian casualties were estimated at between 450,000 and 730,000. Iraqi casualties were estimated at between 150,000 and 340,000.

During the 1988 Anfal campaign in Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraqi troops were responsible for the death or disappearance of up to 100,000 Muslim Kurds.

On March 16 1988, Iraqi troops killed up to 5,000 and injured some 10,000 Muslim Kurds in a single day in a chemical weapon attack on the town of Halabja in northern Iraq.

The 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait led to the death of some 1,000 Kuwaiti Muslim nationals.

605 prisoners of war remain unaccounted for since 1991, including nationals of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, India, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Egypt, Bahrain, and Oman.

Between 3 and 4 million Muslim Iraqis have abandoned their homes and sought refuge outside Iraq.

Many hundreds of thousands of Iraq's Muslims have been displaced internally. Estimates of 900,000 may be conservative. In the north, towns and villages were systematically destroyed by the regime during the war with Iran.

Further south, non-Arabs in the region of Kirkuk have been relocated to other parts of Iraq and Arabs induced to occupy their homes and lands.

And in the south, between 300,000 and 500,000 Muslim citizens have been forced from their traditional homes in Iraq's marshlands.

Thousands of Muslims have been arbitrarily arrested, ill-treated, tortured and executed in Iraq in recent years because of their suspected opposition political activities, or because they are relatives of people sought by the authorities.

Sources: US Committee for Refugees Report 2002

Human Rights Watch Country Report

International Alliance for Justice News Service 12/9/2002

Amnesty International Report – Victims of Systematic Repression British Government's own sources]

a little something extra..


again.. just a sample.. also excludes
mass graves and other atrocities.. :(


bg said...


and just for the heck of it.. ;)

Saddam's Documents


[The documents, roughly a dozen in number, contain charts, diagrams, equations and lengthy narratives about bomb building that nuclear experts who have viewed them say go beyond what is available on the Internet and in other public forums. For instance, the papers give detailed information on how to build nuclear firing circuits and triggering explosives, as well as the radioactive cores of atom bombs.]

[This is apparently the Times' November surprise, but it's a surprising one indeed. The Times has just authenticated the entire collection of memos, some of which give very detailed accounts of Iraqi ties to terrorist organizations. Just this past Monday, I posted a memo which showed that the Saddam regime actively coordinated with Palestinian terrorists in the PFLP as well as Hamas and Islamic Jihad. On September 20th, I reposted a translation of an IIS memo written four days after 9/11 that worried the US would discover Iraq's ties to Osama bin Laden.]


Shaqawa said...

Hello Chalib min Urdun,

It is not able for anyone to have “civilized, intelligent debate” with a disease pig like you, who arrives to my home site from a whorehouse. If foreign Arab trash like you will come to Iraq then I hope you learn the lesson from the real Iraqis.

Yil3an Abu il-Ordon is correct and you and your garbage family is crying for baba Saddam and his cousin and all of the criminals who are your heroes who will be burning in hell.

It is funny that you keep to return to my site and everybody here hates you and sees you as example for many trashy Jordanians and other foreign Arab who love Saddam.

Gilgamesh X is right that Allawi the pretty democratic boy is no democrat, never was before and never can be and this is why he wants USA and foreign Arabs to give him power because Iraqis in democracy always said no to him.

You are a bastard.

Iraqi Mojo said...

bg, thank you for compiling all that documented evidence. but somehow I doubt the chalib min urdun will read them.

Anonymous said...

I don't buy it that Allawi is a democrat because under his rule we had the first attacks in 2004 like the gruesome executions of hostages.

On my ME map, my compass says about Allawi that he is a para-Ba'athi (look up in wikipedia what Greek para means). Anyway his rule will end in some sort of dicatorship like Egypt (not like Saddam one's I don't hold him in that bad regard)!

Anonymous said...

tsk tsk tsk.

Tfu !

Arabi Min Al Urdun.

bg said...


Iraqi Mojo @ September 6, 2007 4:00 PM

Iraqi Voter : Betty Dawisha

you're welcome.. :)


bg said...


flashback: July 26, 2006

Al-Maliki: Iraq is front line of war on terror


["Let me be very clear," said al-Maliki, speaking through a translator. "This is a battle between true Islam, for which a person's liberty and rights constitute essential cornerstones, and terrorism, which wraps itself in a fake Islamic cloak."]

[Al-Maliki, speaking through an interpreter, told the troops that Iraqis will never forget the sacrifice of U.S. soldiers and that they are happy to be partners with the United States "in this holy task of fighting terrorism and establishing democracy."]

["Iraq is the battle that will determine the war," he said. His words echoed those of Bush, who frequently asserts that Iraq is a central battleground against terrorism elsewhere, including on U.S. shores, and that the country can be a bulwark for the spread of freedom in the autocratic Middle East.

Of his people, who have faced violence and death as the country makes a transition from the Saddam's rule, al-Maliki said: "They have stated over and over again, with the ink-stained fingers waving in pride, they will always make the same choice."]


bg said...


British jihadi Hassan Butt Renounce's Islamic Terror 1of2

British jihadi Hassan Butt Renounce's Islamic Terror 2of2

Former PLO Terrorist

"The Terrorist Mindset"


Iraqi Mojo said...

Allawi says US officials met with ex-Baathists
By Agence France Presse (AFP)

Saturday, September 08, 2007

DUBAI: Former Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi said in comments aired Thursday that he had organized meetings between senior US officials and representatives of the banned Baath Party of executed dictator Saddam Hussein. Allawi said he himself had taken part in some of the meetings, which involved representatives of Saddam's fugitive number two Izzat Ibrahim al-Duri, who has a $10 million US bounty on his head. "The dialogue took place at the request of the United States," the former premier said in the comments broadcast by Al-Arabiya television. "It took place in an Arab country and partly in Iraq in my presence," Allawi said. "The meetings were aimed at reaching a mutual understanding between the Baathists and the US government which was represented at a senior level." Allawi gave no date for the talks. Allawi said that at the center of the talks had been moves to relax the ban on former senior or middle-ranking Baathists taking up government or military jobs that has been in force since 2003. - AFP

Anonymous said...

God bless the lord and he in whom I trust, he teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight!

Anonymous said...

oops. Tawfik Hamid,

Anonymous said...

I see the Jordanian Bedouin dog has ceased his barking...

P.S. No offense to dogs.

Anonymous said...

Today I say a prayer for my fellow Americans, Christian, Muslim, and Jew, who were killed by cowards and yet had the audacity to claim that they were speaking on behalf of God. In reality there is no God but God and his son sits at his right hand but those who claim absolution by murdering women and children in his name speak straight from the book of the deciever, because God would never call for the murder of innocents no matter what! Allahu Ahkbar! Guide my hand my lord to defend the innocent and slay the wicked especially those who claim your name in vain! Oh my lord I trust in thee, let me not be ashamed, come quick to my aid for I am in danger, let not my enemies triumph over me.

Anonymous said...

"We consider this our duty -- to defend humanity against the scourge of intolerance, violence, and fanaticism." - Ahmad Shah Massoud the Lion of Panjshir KIA 9/9/01 RIP

Anonymous said...

"We consider this our duty -- to defend humanity against the scourge of intolerance, violence, and fanaticism." - Ahmad Shah Massoud the Lion of Panjshir KIA 9/9/01 RIP

A true martyr

bg said...


Wednesday's Developments in Iraq

pertinent excerpt:

the good, the bad, & the ugly, but this really stood out..

[_Two prominent lawmakers announced they were leaving the parliamentary bloc led by Iraq's first post - Saddam Hussein prime minister, saying their move was in protest of the "dictatorship" of Ayad Allawi and his contacts with the former president's supporters in theinsurgency.]

Two lawmakers withdraw from the block
headed by former premier Allawi


["The decision-making mechanism in the bloc lacks democracy. We have not been consulted. They were coming from Amman" where Allawi spends much of his time, said al-Suhail, a Shiite whose father was killed in 1994 by suspected Saddam agents.

"They are decisions by remote control," she said.]

["The last straw that broke the camel's back was when Dr. Allawi announced that he was working to bring back Baathists from the Izzat al-Douri wing, into the political process," said al-Suhail. "How could I accept such a dangerous thing?"]

[The announcement by al-Suhail and al-Hasani — a Sunni Arab and former parliament speaker — coincided with criticism of Allawi by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who publicly urged him not to meet again with Baathists.

"How could he meet with al-Douri who is still working to bring the Baath back to power in Iraq," al-Maliki, a Shiite, told a news conference. "That party is banned under Iraq's constitution and is accused of terrorism. So, meeting with Baathists could be considered as an act of terrorism by itself."]


bg said...



HT : Talisman Gate

The NYTimes and political mathematics


[What's also interesting is that all these parties—the Sadrists, Consensus and Allawi—have not pulled out any of their guys who serve as Deputy Ministers, let alone withdrawing their loyalists and appointees who occupy positions further down the bureaucratic chain.]

[But if the NYT can't accurately report on whether 11 or 17 ministries are vacant, then they sure won't have the capacity to tally-up 138 'no confidence' votes; it's interesting that the reporter didn't press Mr. Shahbandar on whether or not Allawi can deliver all 25 votes from his bloc alone towards the "movement" to yank out Maliki. At least four MPs on Allawi's list have recently expressed their desire to secede from his bloc and form their own coalition with other 'dissident' MPs (Safia al-Suheil, Mahdi al-Hafiz, Hachim al-Hassani and Wa'il Abdel-Latif).

The political situation in Baghdad is far more dynamic and fluid, and with many more moving parts, than the picture that is being relayed by this newspaper report: new alliances are being made, and new loyalties are being formed; someone in an established position of authority, such as Maliki, has plenty of space to maneuver and make promises here and here to win over the fence-sitters. It's coalition politics, and the operative word here is patronage.]
